Cottages ready for Guests – life goes on in the Cotswolds

When the world around you seems to be going mad we just carry on in our little Cotswold bubble.  The cattle and sheep still need feeding and the cows need checking to see if there are any more new born calves.  Of course we are aware of what is going on in the real world and our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the terror in Westminster yesterday, but like us life goes on and so it must.  It is nearly a year ago that tragedy struck us here with the sudden death of a very dear family member.  It was the day of reading a dreaded TB test and we were busy lambing but life had to go on, we could not stop and wallow in our sorrow but as a family we pulled together and got through the toughest of times, a time that we would not want to repeat.  After lambing we rejoiced in our loved ones life and had a beautiful memorial service attended by so many but we will reflect again this year and no doubt on the anniversary we will all be sad and quiet, but life will still be going on around us, we will be lambing again and the cows will still be calving, and I will no doubt be getting the cottages ready for new guests who will see the Cotswolds in all its spring glory.  If you want to get away from it all we still have some last minute availability but I am sure you will find a date later on in the year so have a look at my site and see when you would like to come and stay.

Whilst I would love to sit and write some more life beckons and I need to go and help my darling husband muck out the cattle yards, feed everything, bed them all down and then hopefully he might take me out to one of our fabulous local restaurants here in the Cotswolds.


Life goes on