Bad Weather causes concern
Although lambing is now well under way the very cold bitter weather is causing real concern as we cannot turn out any of the new lambs because they will simply die overnight. We have therefore had to somehow make more room at home in the buildings so that we can at least give them some shelter when they do move out of the main lambing shed, and move out they must to make way for the next new borns!
It is a real logistical nightmare and although we don’t have the large amount of snow that they have in the north we are being severely tested by this weather nonetheless. We have had to roll out bedding underneath the stone walls to at least give a little comfort as there is no grass even due again to the cold, it simply has not grown. The only consolation is that it is dry but no doubt when the thaw comes we will again be faced with a sea of mud!
We are keeping an eye on the forecast in the hope that we won’t get the snow that may reach us here in Oxfordshire at the end of the week, but we will instead have the warmer weather and some respite.