Lockdown on the Farm but life still goes on.
With the world in lockdown, life here at Langley Farm still goes on. The sheep are lambing, the cows are calving but sadly I have no guests to see all this happening. Our two students arrived having self-isolated so were able to come and start work straight away.
Our son returned from Uni and spent 5 days in isolation, which he enjoyed in Oak Tree Cottage. This was empty due to my guests from Australia not arriving. The team have been working hard since the 1st of April.
After the wettest winter the weather is being kind to us, something to be thankful for in the current turmoil. We always feel very lucky to be farmers but more so at this moment in time. Caring for our livestock which will provide great British beef and lamb of which we are very proud.
Having extras to feed we still have to shop which is odd as everywhere is empty including some shelves. Luckily we have our own beef and lamb in the freezer so lockdown on the farm is not so bad. However, I usually try out new recipes and these BBCGoodFood Peanut Butter Cookies have been a great hit

For farmers, who have always worked from home, lockdown on the farm is not a new experience. Our livestock needs us every day twenty four seven. We will miss going to the market or a farm sale when we would catch up with neighbours and friends.
Stay Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives
Many walkers and cyclists have been up and down our road. We can only ask you to stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.

I am looking forward to welcoming you all again very soon. King John’s Palace will hopefully be ready later this year. However, please stay safe and well during this troubled time.